Countries Under Lockdown: October 28, 2020


As COVID-19 cases surge across the United States and Europe in a second wave, we are now seeing countries go back into lockdowns.

In its highest single week count yet, Europe has reported more than 1.3 million new cases during this past week. With new restrictions taking place in Europe, the United States is looking on with the question of further state lockdowns. And so, let’s take a look at what’s happening in Europe.



On October 25th, Italy’s Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte imposed restrictions that were met soon after by protestors clashing with police in northern Italy. The rules are that theaters, gyms and swimming pools are to remain closed until November 24th. People are not allowed to gather at fairs, events or funerals. The restrictions advise Italians to not leave their homes other than for emergencies or for work. Home visits must also be avoided unless you’re relatives.



Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez announced a state of emergency on October 25th. A nationwide curfew is set to last until at least November 9th as people are not allowed to go anywhere between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. unless for specific reasons like work or medical emergencies. With the state of emergency, some travel is also banned between regions through the banning of free transit. Aragaon and Asturias became the first regions to ban free transits.



Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced a three-tier local lockdown system, which places the country into three categories — “medium,” “high” and “very high” alert levels, depending on the area’s COVID-19 infection rate. In the “medium” area, no more than six people can gather and pubs and restaurants must close by 10 p.m. If you’re in the “high” area, pubs that don’t serve “substantial meals” are closed, and you are not allowed to gather outside of your household at an indoor space.  The “very high” category means all social gathering is banned between households — outdoors and indoors. You are also asked to not travel in and out of this area. And pubs and bars must close unless they can operate only as restaurants. This means that alcohol can not be served unless purchased with a meal.



Under Belgium’s current lockdown, restaurants and bars are closed. People are only allowed to socialize with one person outside of their household, and it must always be the same person. Only four people are allowed in someone’s home, and it must be the same group throughout the lockdown.



On October 28th, German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced a new lockdown begining on Monday, November 2nd. Restaurants, bars and clubs will close to “avoid a national health emergency,” she said. Staying home, avoiding travel and keeping contact to an absolute minimum are the advisements. Socialization in public must be kept to two households and a maximum of 10 people. As of right now, these measures will last for four weeks.



After President Duda tested positive for COVID-19, the country is now under a “red zone” lockdown. This includes the partial closure of primary schools (only grades one to three attending classes). Restaurants, cafes and pubs are only open for take-out. Gatherings are limited to five people, and weddings are banned. Poland’s government is also currently turning its national stadium into a field hospital to deal with new cases.



In an attempt to have Christmas celebrated “in a meaningful way,” Prime Minister Michael Martin and Ireland’s government imposed new restrictions. Non-essential shops are shut down, restaurants can only run takeout service and people must stay within three miles of their homes for the next six weeks.



France is reportedly hit the hardest in this second wave thus far. Night curfews have been imposed from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. and were extended for six weeks in Paris and 45 more regions (affecting 46 million of France’s 67 million people), starting on October 17th. France’s President Emmanuel Macron announced a new, national lockdown on October 28th that starts on Friday, October 30th. Under the new lockdown, signed documents will be needed to go outside. People will only be allowed to leave home for essential work or medical reasons. Non-essential businesses including restaurants and bars will close.

According to the French president, the quarantine in the country will last until December 1st.

“The COVID-19 virus is spreading in France at a speed that even the most pessimistic forecasts did not foresee. The number of people infected in relation to the total population has doubled in one week, ” Macron said.



Sources tell us that Portugal may be announcing the closing of its borders again and a lockdown. We should expect to hear more this coming Monday, November 2nd.